Dick’s Center Development Community Meeting
The first public meeting to review plans for the Dick’s and Zorba’s site is Monday, June 11, 2018. Meeting is at the Bascom Community Center, 1000 S. Bascom Ave in the downstairs meeting room from 6:30-7:30pm.
With 30,000 sq ft of commercial and 600 housing units, this will be the first of several major projects in our area. It is important for you to attend the meeting or review the plans and give input. New projects come with street and traffic improvements, park development fees and other amenities. Our job is to make sure that new development blends with the neighborhood and does not negatively impact existing residents. We have plenty of room to absorb new developments that will bring affordable housing and remove blight. For more information, contact Jennifer Piozet, [email protected](408) 535-7894.
SONA General Meeting
This is our time to have a conversation with our D6 Council office about parking, speeding and other issues in the neighborhood. What is working, what is not? What would make our neighborhood better? Meet us at the Bascom Library Community Room, 1000 S. Bascom Ave, 2nd floor. Access is via the exterior elevator or the stairs. 6:00pm meet and greet, 6:30-7:30pm is the general meeting.
Notes From the President
As we go to print, it’s the night before elections. I’m grateful that, for the most part, our local elections remain civil affairs. I hope that we beat the trend and turn out the vote in our area. Of all the painless things we do that affect our future, voting has the most impact. Who we elect affects what we get for our tax dollars.
It’s that time of year again….no, not the time we enjoy summer…it’s the time of year when every house that is being renovated or sold is the target of the organized illegal party crews. There is an online network that targets empty homes and send out notices that there will be a big party. A couple years ago one of these parties included a PA system for music, fences were broken, a neighbor was injured and it was a mess for days. We’ve had another recent event in our neighborhood. If you are selling, renovating or re-renting, please be responsible. Have motion sensor lights, notify your agent or manager and make sure your property is secured. You are responsible for any activities on your property and your resale value is not going to be enhanced by several hundred young people traipsing in and out. Your neighbors will thank you.
But, yes, it is summer, too. Time for festivals and events and long summer days. If you haven’t been downtown lately, take a stroll by the new art installations, check out the activities in the park and take light rail! Happy Hollow is always a great day trip for all ages. We have trails that run to the bay or up to the foothills and we are ringed with a variety of parks even if there’s not one within walking distance.
For those who do not have air conditioning and have elderly or very young residents, the city will set up cooling centers at community buildings. Our Bascom Library and Community Center has activities, classes, movie nights and more.
If you are taking off for vacation, make sure your neighbors are keeping an eye on your home and it’s not obvious that you’re gone. And hopefully, we’ll also see you at the meetings…..Randi
San Jose City College Updates
Chancellor Debbie Buddwill be retiring this year and the district will be in transition for awhile. The President of San Jose City College, Dr. Byron Breland, will be Interim President while the process of recruiting a permanent chancellor takes place. Jorge Escobar has been named Interim President of San Jose City College.
The San Jose City College (SJCC) campus sits in the West Valley Mission Community College District (WVMCCD). The campus and the Tech Building on Bascom Avenue are an island in the center of another district. In May 2018 the Board of the San Jose Evergreen Community College District (SVECCD) voted to request the land on Bascom Avenue between the Tech Building and the entrance adjacent to Wendy’s be added to their “island”. This would allow them to expand services along the commercial corridor. The WVMCCD board will be voting on this in June 2018. Both districts rely on residential property taxes; this transfer or adjustment in the borders will not affect the revenue stream of either district. It is expected that this will move forward with no problem. Adjustments will also allow SJCC to plan and design better access to the campus.
SJEVCCD police Chief Morales has been working with partner agencies and departments in both the City and County to control the long term overnight parking. Moving trucks, motor homes and trailers off of Moorpark will decrease the blight that has grown in this area. SONA has expressed support but concern that the vehicles will wind up on adjacent streets.
Colleges and Housing
Supervisor Cindy Chavez has announced plans to ask County staff to work with all community colleges in the area to investigate whether the colleges and the county can pool resources to provide housing. Many of the campuses have land and a desire to provide some housing. The county is proficient in working with agencies and developers. Measure A funds could also be leveraged to provide a range of housing at all income levels. With students living in cars and staff and faculty unable to afford living in the area, all opportunities can be investigated.
What’s Going on in Your Part of the Neighborhood?
Board Member Theo Martinez will be heading up our Saturday walks through the neighborhoods. If you would like to get a group of neighbors together, we will walk block by block in your area. Show us where there are problem rental units, show us where things aggravate you, show us the problems that we can work on together. And, show us the good things…what do you like about your street or your block? What are the neighborhood assets we can build on? Contac Theo at [email protected].