Farmers Markets
Santa Clara County offers year round Farmers Markets nearby. All markets are operated by umbrella groups and each vendor is certified by the County. Markets vary, with some offering crafts, trade goods and other vendors. You can visit the County’s main website for more information.
If you want a quick link to all of the certified markets, their hours of operations and locations, you can download a PDF or just visit the page.
Many of the markets accept CalFresh/EBT (formerly known as foodstamps) cards and often double the value on the card. This allows residents to obtain the freshest organic food possible no matter what your income.
U-Pick sites offer a variety of options, from produce to eggs and flowers. The interactive Country Crossroads map allows you to locate the item you want, search for vendors and map out a visit to a single location or multiple locations in Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties. You can visit directly with the person supplying your food, see how your food is raised and there are often picnic facilities on site. Make sure you check in advance as some sites provide the crates, baskets or buckets you need and some do not.